Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Totally inspirational

Working as I do, with  students that have missed out on schooling, for many different reasons, whether it was due to illness, bad teaching or simply from a family that did not care if their child went off to school each morning, I found this video very inspiring because it showed that when you have people who give a whole lot of thought for people who have missed chances in life, a whole lot can be done.  When they hit a barrier with the premises that they had chosen, it had to be used for retail purposes, they made a shop at the front and classroom at the back! It was making things fun, which in my opinion and experience, can get a lot more out of your students. It took a little time for students to take on board what was set up for them but what a journey of enjoyment and learning. Without such inspirational people these children would have gone through the system and been forgotten.  I would be more than happy to be surrounded by such people in my life.

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